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EDM Document Upload - Real Estate

DateSubject Property
DateSubject Property

Important Info & Procedure

  1. To forward any transaction-related documents to the office, please utilize the EDM Document Upload exclusively.
  2. All documents must be in PDF format to ensure legibility. Photographic versions of documents are not deemed acceptable.
  3. Organize individual files meticulously and upload them under the predefined file name and category specified in the request.
  4. It is essential to adhere to the file name and category requirements diligently, as deviations may result in incorrect file distribution due to the Electronic Document Management system’s automated processing.
  5. Kindly note that the office will exclusively process documents received through VirtualAgents360. Alternative methods of file delivery, such as email, fax, hand delivery, etc., will not be handled by our office.
  6. Documents originating from third parties, which include those from escrow, title, or HOA, should be uploaded into the request by the agent only after thorough review and approval.
  7. For broker supervision review, it is imperative that all transaction-related documents prepared, signed, or received by the agent are uploaded within a 72-hour timeframe.